Strawberry Festival
May 19, 2019
The second day of bowling competition features the second qualifying event for the WV State Championship. Like most of the courses throughout the year, Turkey Run offers several different challenges. Sweeping turns, uphill, downhill, long straight stretches, and little of everything, make this course suitable for all skill sets. This is the final opportunity for bowlers to earn a spot in the WV State Championship in all grades, Novice 1-4 and Women’s. Novice 4 is for beginner bowlers and everyone is encouraged to compete. The top 4 bowlers in each grade will advance to the WV State Championship at Blackwater Falls State Park in June. Novice 1-4 and Womens winners of the WV State Championship earn a trip to compete in the North American Regional finals in August. 2019 will mark the first year a Womens Championship will be held at the North Americans. However, a new rule this year also allows women to choose between competing in the Women’s Championship or in the Novice 4 grade, but not both. Registration fee is $10
Singles Registration begins at 12:00. Bowling begins at 1:00
The qualifying is over and the 1st round matches are set for the WV State Championships. Blackwater Falls State Park will host both rounds of the championship on June 29th and 30th.
Listed by grade:
Novice 4
John Cravens vs Ryan Poling
Kristen Daft vs Charles McMannis
Gary Daft vs Kevin Smith
Jason Putnam vs Wayne McMannis
Novice 3
Andy Shay vs Dave Powell
Dennis Pierson vs Justin Knapp
Novice 2
Travis McClintic vs Morgan Ware
Eric Bee vs Wayne Marrs
Rich Meece vs Ken McClintic
Bryan Wimer vs Steve Holmes
Novice 1
Stephen Wallington vs Travis Craig
Jessica Collins vs Marsha Jordan
Shannon Putnam vs Scarlett Kitts
Turkey Run Road is located north of Buckhannon WV off of Rt 20.