Welcome to the home for all things related to WV Irish Road Bowling! Here you can find information about the sports history, team and singles events in your area, news stories, and more.
Thanks to the West Virginia Irish Road Bowling Association, healthy, outdoor family-fun is happening on country roads all over West Virginia. Since the WVIRBA was formed, the sport has seen an increase in events, participation, and funds raised for local charities. With the steady increase in popularity, bowlers from as far away as Wisconsin, Savannah GA, TX, MD, Greensboro NC, Boston, NY, and many other states have competed on our country roads. WV bowlers have also experienced success outside the state. WV teams and singles bowlers have traveled to Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina, New York, Massachusetts and Georgia to successfully represent our state. The most notable achievement happening in 2022 saw WV bowler Andy Shay win the North American Region Novice 2 Championship in Boston, and travel to Ireland (the country) to compete for and All Ireland Championship. WV will host the North American Regional Finals this year in August.
The WVIRBA is a non-profit that formed in the small town of Ireland WV. With the help of their volunteers, the sport has continued to grow and in 2024, we will celebrate 29 years of Irish Road Bowling in WV. The WVIRBA has a close relationship with many of our beautiful state parks, festivals, and communities. Our state parks have been a tremendous contributor to the growth of our sport.
News and updated information will be added periodically, so check back as this site continues to grow with the popularity of Irish Road Bowling.
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