Pipestem Resort
April 25, 2020
A magnificent view into the Bluestone River Gorge, Appalachian Spring colors in southern West Virginia, and one of the state's finest road bowling courses, combine for an unforgettable weekend. Saturday is fun for everyone in the team competition. Teams compete for 1st and 2nd place trophies and more importantly, the bragging rights of southern WV. Bowling begins at the Lookout Tower Parking lot a short distance inside the park. If you plan to stay at the Pipestem, be sure to ask for the Irish Road Bowling discount when placing your reservation.
Pipestem Resort Activities Coordinator, Cassie Kelly 304 466 1800 www.pipestemresort.com.
For WVIRBA Kevin Smith 304-228-7928.
Team registration begins at 12:00
Bowling begins at 1:30
Get a feel for the road on Saturday and come out again on Sunday to compete in a singles State Championship Qualifying event.
From the event...

After entering that park on Pipestem Drive, signups will be held at the Pipestem Amphitheater parking area. The course starts at the Lookout Tower parking area.