Jerod Putnam Amateur Open
June 7, 2019
Coopers Rock State Forest
June 7th -9th, 2019
The JPAO is the first IRB tournament open to amateurs from all over the U.S. This event is a 2-day singles competition that features 3 rounds of match play, a closed course, cash prizes, free welcome breakfast, raffles and more. The top three finishers receive cash prizes with the winner taking home $1000! Proceeds benefit the Jerod Putnam Scholarship Fund.
Anyone who is not ranked by Bol Chumann as a Novice 2 or higher is welcome to compete. There is a $50 registration fee for this event. Entry fee covers the welcome breakfast at the overlook pavilion Saturday June 8th, road bowling supplies (bowls, chalk, score cards, etc.) and a guaranteed place in the tournament. The last chance to register will be 5:00 pm Friday June 7th, at Coopers Rock.
Event t-shirts can be pre-ordered at the time of registration for $20. Limited supplies and sizes will also be available during the event for $25. Raffles will be held for various items as well. Below is the entry form for competitors, and a form for anyone who wants to sponsor this charity event.
2019 JPAO Schedule
Friday June 7th
2:00pm - Gate closed and course marked for open practice, registration, and Q and A
7:00pm – Drawing – Lakeview Conference Room (look for sign in the lobby)
8:00pm - Saturday matches posted on Team WV Irish Road Bowling Facebook page
Saturday June 8th
8:00am - Free breakfast at overlook pavilion, Saturday matches and times information available, last chance to register, late signups are included in an expansion match.
9:30am – Civil War Cannon firing to start the competition!
10:00am - First match shuttled to the start line
3:00pm - Long shot competition, Open to everyone!
6:00pm - Sunday semifinal matches set and posted on the Team WV Irish Road Bowling Facebook page.
Sunday June 9th
9:30am - First semifinal match shuttled to the start line
2:00pm - Finals match shuttled to the start line
3:30pm - On conclusion of finals match; raffle results, 50/50 drawing, trophy and prize presentations
Primary Sponsor, Mountain State Log Homes, Prize money
David Powell & Judy Mize
Dennis Funkhouser
Shamrock CEOS Club
Luke Christie (State Farm Berkeley Springs)
Preston Memorial Hospital
Lowther Trucking, Inc.
Flex Fitness
Ware Research Services
David and Stephanie Lorenze
From the event...

23 Bowlers
1st Blake Tasker $1000 prize!
2nd Morgan Ware $200 prize!
3rd Gary Daft $100 prize
All 3 bowlers donated their winnings back to the Jerod Putnam Scholarship fund!
Saturday breakfast, general info, and awards will be held at the overlook pavilion. Competition will be held on the Iron Furnace Road just inside the park entrance near I-68.